
Simpleware Surface Tools

<p>ScanIP provides a comprehensive segmentation software environment for processing 3D image data (MRI, CT, micro-CT, FIB-SEM…). The software offers powerful image visualization, analysis, segmentation, and quantification tools. ScanIP exports to CAD and 3D printing, with additional modules available for FE meshing, CAD and image data integration, NURBS export, and calculating effective material properties.</p>

Working with Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Import and interactively position surface objects within 3D image data. Create NURBS models for import to CAD packages or pass updates directly between SOLIDWORKS? and Simpleware to speed up iterative product design workflows. Combine the functionality of proven CAD software whilst maintaining all the image processing and meshing strengths of Simpleware software.


Why Use Simpleware Surface Tools?

  • Fast and easy-to-use: Intuitive tools to easily combine image processing and computer-aided design workflows.
  • Powerful: Import, check & fix, position, and export CAD files (STL, IGES, STEP…).
  • Compatible: Establish connection to SOLIDWORKS? from within the Simpleware interface with the click of a button.
  • Flexible: Customizable user interface with 2D/3D views to work with surface and image objects together.
  • Accurate and reliable: Preserve the design features of CAD objects.
  • Fully supported: All licences come with full support from our expert team of application engineers.

Combining 3D Image and Design Workflows

Import Surface Data

  • Import and natively work with CAD files in image space (STL, IGES, STEP…)
  • Landmark registration tools for positioning CAD in image data
  • Automatic registration with “Snap” tool for alike surfaces
  • Automatic fixing of erroneous CAD data on import
  • Preserve CAD feature edges when combined with image data
  • Robust Boolean operations

Work with Surface Objects and Image Data

  • Analyze surface deviation between CAD and image data
  • Create surface object primitives
  • Extrude selected triangles in a specified direction
  • Hollow a surface object, creating an inner and outer surface
  • Dilate triangles of a surface object inwards and outwards to create a tube
  • Create surface objects from centerlines or centerline networks

Synchronize with SOLIDWORKS?

  • Import parts or assemblies into Simpleware software
  • Interactively position parts or assemblies with 3D image data
  • Use SOLIDWORKS to make adjustments to your part design
  • Sync updates made in SOLIDWORKS to linked design in Simpleware software

Surface Model/Mesh Generation

  • Create robust surface models using a choice of algorithms
  • Volume and topology preserving smoothing
  • High-quality triangulation (no need for fixing or post processing)
  • Guaranteed watertight and conforming multi-part surfaces
  • Full user control over global and local mesh coarseness / refinement

Inspect and Export Surface Models

  • Mesh quality checking tool
  • Inspects model quality for errors and warnings
  • Pin-point inspection locations within the image data/segmentation
  • Export surface meshes (STL, OBJ, 3MF…)
  • Export NURBS surfaces (STEP & IGES)

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Other Tools and Features in Simpleware Software

Simpleware software provides an extensive selection of 3D image processing, analysis, and model generation tools for working with image data. Check out the all the other features:


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