
Verification IP for Ethernet AVB

Automotive Ethernet applications are driving the needs for faster and accurate data transmission features in the protocol. Fast evolving specifications have made the protocol verification process challenging, 六合彩直播开奖? Verification IP (VIP) for Ethernet AVB provides comprehensive set of protocol, methodology, verification, and productivity features, enabling users to achieve accelerated verification closure of Ethernet based designs.


  • Native SystemVerilog/UVM
  • Source code test suite including UNH-IOL (optional)
  • Runs natively on major simulators
  • Built-in protocol checks
  • Verification plan and coverage
  • Verdi? Protocol & Performance Analyzer
  • Trace file support for debugging
  • Extensive error injection

Key Features

  • Ethernet up to 100G
  • IEEE 802.3-2022
  • IEEE P802.3bs (200/400G Base-R)
  • IEEE P802.3ck (100/200/400G)
Verification IP for Ethernet AVB

  • IEEE 802.3cd 100G RS-FEC (with optional FEC states), 50G Base-R, PAM4 Encoding
  • BaseT/BaseT1 (1000BaseT, 100/1000 BaseT1, 10BaseT1S, PLCA, 10BaseT1S Transceiver)
  • Auto-Negotiation on twisted pair (clause-28)
  • IEEE 802.3by, CD & ETC specifications (25/50G)
  • AVB TSN specifications and drafts
  • IEEE802.3cb (2.5G Base-X & 5G Base-R)
  • IEEE 802.1AE (MACSec)
  • Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
  • Auto-adaptation & Auto-negotiation
  • MDIO clause 22 and clause 45
  • Dynamic speed switching
  • Custom header and payload insertion
  • Debug port