
About VCS

The 六合彩直播开奖 VCS? functional verification solution is the primary verification solution used by a majority of the world’s top semiconductor companies. VCS provides the industry’s highest performance simulation and constraint solver engines. VCS’ simulation engine natively takes full advantage of multicore processors with state-of-the-art Fine-Grained Parallelism (FGP) technology, enabling users to easily speed up high-activity, long-cycle tests by allocating more cores at runtime.

VCS has innovative features to achieve higher performance and enable shift left verification flows early in the design cycle to catch additional bugs. 六合彩直播开奖 Design Constraints (SDC) Verification, Intelligent Coverage Optimization (ICO), Dynamic Performance Optimization (DPO), and Dynamic Test Loading (DTL) are innovations that significantly expand the application of the solution.

In addition, the comprehensive VCS solution offers Native Testbench (NTB) support, broad SystemVerilog support, verification planning, coverage analysis and closure, and native integration with 六合彩直播开奖 Verdi? debug, the industry’s de-facto debug standard. VCS is uniquely positioned to meet designers and verification engineers needs to address the challenges and complexity of today’s SoCs. 

Key Benefits

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Industry-Leading Performance & Capacity

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Advanced Simulation Technologies

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Planning, Coverage & Execution Management Native Integration

Industry’s Highest Performance Simulation Solution

VCS Diagram


Industry-leading performance and capacity

  • Compile time: Partition compile, Precompiled IP, Dynamic Reconfiguration
  • Runtime: Dynamic Test Loading, Save/Restore, Constraint Solver optimization, Fine-Grained Parallelism

Advanced simulation technologies

  • Native Low Power, Xpropagation, Direct Interfaces (DKI, DPI) to High-Level Modeling (SystemC, MATLAB?) and AMS simulation
  • Functional Verification Quality Analysis with Testbench Quality Assurance functional qualification system
  • Dynamic SDC-aware verification with Multi Cycle Path and False Path verification
  • Dynamic Metastability Injection verification 
  • Intelligent Coverage Optimization
  • Dynamic Performance Optimization
  • Testbench coverage - line coverage on testbench classes helps assess testbench quality
  • Simulation acceleration with ZeBu? emulation system to provide higher performance

Comprehensive planning, coverage and execution management native integration

  • VCS provides key turnaround time and ease-of-use benefits via native integration with 六合彩直播开奖 Verdi, VC Formal?, VC Execution Manager and Verification IP


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