
Employment Candidate Privacy Notice

If you are submitting your personal information in order to be considered by 六合彩直播开奖 for current or future job opportunities, you acknowledge that the information you provide to 六合彩直播开奖 may be transferred to 六合彩直播开奖' offices including its corporate office in the United States, and that this personal data may be shared with certain 六合彩直播开奖 employees and service providers for legitimate business purposes, only to the extent permitted by applicable law. If you are offered a job or become employed by 六合彩直播开奖. or one of its subsidiaries, it will also be used for other employment-related purposes. By submitting your resume and any other application materials to us, you agree that we may use such information for recruitment, hiring and employment purposes (including transferring the data to other countries, transferring your information to other companies authorized to perform specific services for 六合彩直播开奖, and/or other processing relevant to recruitment purposes).

Resumes should include information relevant to your employment history and education. Candidates should not disclose sensitive personal characteristics (gender, height, weight, religion, philosophical or political beliefs, financial data, etc.) in their communications.

If you are located in the European Economic Area, this privacy notice is issued to you by 六合彩直播开奖 as the controller responsible for the processing of your personal data, and the following further information applies to you: 

What Categories of Data does 六合彩直播开奖 Collect? 

You may provide to us, or we may collect about you, contact information (name, address), employment and education history, membership in professional organizations, and location information such as country of residence and physical event attendance. Data that you do not provide to us directly is collected from publicly available sources such as professional networking websites. 

What is the Purpose of the Data Collection? 
We process this data to be able to evaluate your qualifications and match you with current or future job opportunities, to process your application, and to contact you.

What is the Legal Basis of the Data Processing?
We process your personal data based on legitimate interests (evaluating your qualifications and matching you with employment opportunities, processing your application, and contacting you). We may also use your data to comply with applicable regulatory obligations and to respond to lawful requests, court orders, and legal process. We consider your privacy interests in this regard and redact personal information to the largest extent practicable to avoid affecting your privacy rights.

What Are My Rights with Respect to My Personal Data? 
You can contact us to obtain copies of your personal data or information about its processing by us. Subject to the applicable statutory prerequisites, you can also ask us to correct or erase your personal data, object to processing based on legitimate interests, or request the restriction of processing or portability. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at privacy@synopsys.com. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You should understand that while pursuing a career opportunity with us is voluntary, it would not be possible to consider your application without processing some personal data about you.

Who Sees My Personal Data?

We share your personal data with our affiliates and service providers such as our recruiting management and applicant tracking provider, Kenexa BrassRing.  We and our affiliates and service providers process and store your personal data on servers in the United States, which has not received an unqualified adequacy decision by the European Commission. We provide adequate protection for your personal data by having entered into data processing agreements and data transfer agreements that include standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission. Such data processing agreements and data transfer agreement are available upon request by contacting us at privacy@synopsys.com.

How Long is My Data Retained?
We retain your personal data as long as it is necessary to process the data based on your relationship with us as a candidate and employee, and in compliance with applicable law. More information about record retention periods and practices can be obtained by contacting us at privacy@synopsys.com.

How Can I Get More Information?

You may contact us at privacy@synopsys.com Where applicable, the data protection officer (DPO) of 六合彩直播开奖 GmbH can be contacted at bernard@synopsys.com.

六合彩直播开奖' representative in the European Union is 六合彩直播开奖 International Limited, Blanchardstown Corp Park, Block 1, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland.


China Candidate Privacy Notice

If you are located in China or applying for 六合彩直播开奖 positions in China, the following information applies to you:

Each 六合彩直播开奖 Chinese entity (“六合彩直播开奖”, “we”, “us”, or “Company”) commits to comply with the PRC Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”) and other related laws and regulations in relation to personal information protection, and to take all reasonable and practicable steps to safeguard the personal information processed by us from unauthorized access, processing, and erasure during the process of collection, storage, use, and transfer.

This Candidate Privacy Notice (the “Privacy Notice”) explains details of our processing activities regarding personal information employment candidates and/or position applicants (“颁补苍诲颈诲补迟别”“测辞耻”, or “测辞耻谤”) during the recruitment process from 六合彩直播开奖’s assessment of your suitability for the position, to our preparatory steps necessary for you and 六合彩直播开奖 entering into an employment relationships.

In this Privacy Notice, the terms  “personal information” and “sensitive personal information” are defined in the same way as in the PIPL.

What personal information we process

Personal identification and contact information, which includes without limitation your name, citizenship, ID or passport number, home address, (cell and landline) phone number; email address; date of birth, gender, and information about your eligibility for employment with 六合彩直播开奖 (e.g. work permit and residence permit if applicable);

Information related to background and credit check, which includes without limitation curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter, employment or engagement history (including without limitation the full names of your former and current employers, your positions, job duty and employment durations with your former and current employers, your remuneration details, etc.), education history, academic and professional qualifications and awards, reference contact information, information related to your non-compete obligation with your former and current employers (if any), information related to your potential conflict of interest of 六合彩直播开奖 (e.g. whether you have a relative in the department of the position you applied, or whether you were previously employed or engaged by the government authorities overseeing the industries of 六合彩直播开奖), your intellectual property rights, information about your health and disabilities, position preferences, willingness to relocate, desired salary, interests and aspirations and background screening information if relevant;

If you are applying for a senior management position with 六合彩直播开奖, information related to your eligibility for such a senior management position pursuant to law;

Financial information which includes without limitation bank account information, tax identification number, social security and housing fund number, etc, which are necessary for 六合彩直播开奖 to prepare for entering into an employment relationship with you.


We may collect some of this personal information from you directly, for example, personal information provided by you to us through our application portal, from our correspondences with you, or through interviews, meetings or other assessments.

We may also collect some personal information about you from third parties (e.g. recruiters, referrals, etc.). For example, if you choose to connect us with your LinkedIn profile or share your personal information with us through recruit platforms, or if our third-party background screening providers share your personal information with us, we receive your personal information from such third parties. You acknowledge that such third parties process your personal information through and pursuant to their own privacy notices and policies, and they have their own purposes and means in relation to processing your personal information. We request the third parties to warrant the legality of their provision of your personal information to us. However, if you have any concerns regarding the provision, you should raise your concerns with them directly.

Why we process your personal information

We will, upon your consent, process your personal information under the following circumstances, where the processing is necessary for the entire recruitment process for the role you applied with us:

  • To make informed decisions on recruitment and assess your suitability for the role;
  • To review your resume and other of your application documents;
  • To communicate with you about your application, to respond to your inquiries and schedule  interviews; and to interview you;
  • To arrange for a character or ability test or any other written test appropriate in view of the market practice;
  • To carry out a background or reference check of you (for example, in relation to your identity, employment history, academic qualification and professional credentials, criminal convictions) by ourselves or through a third party engaged by us;
  • To arrange you to complete a medical check-up at a hospital designated by us;
  • To issue an offer letter to you and prepare for entering into the employment relationship with you; and/or
  • To reimburse you for any agreed expenses incurred in the application process where applicable;

Please be reminded that if regretfully you do not give us your consent or withdraw your consent for us to process part of any of your personal information, 六合彩直播开奖 would reserve the right to cease the recruitment process or rescind the offer letter at any time without any compensation.

If the employment is eventually desired by you and 六合彩直播开奖, 六合彩直播开奖 would process your personal information, which is necessary for entering into any contract (including an employment contract) with you.

We may process your personal information where the processing is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation such as to assess your eligibility for the employment and the role with us as required by law, or to comply with legal, regulatory and other requirements under the applicable laws.

We may process your personal information if it is necessary to respond to a public health emergency, or for protecting the life, health or property safety of the natural persons in the case of an emergency;

We may process your personal information that is already disclosed by yourselves or otherwise legally disclosed to the public within a reasonable scope.

How we share your personal information

Personal information may be shared with your potential managers, HR department and administrators for the recruitment purpose and for candidate management and administrative purposes. We will only share information outside 六合彩直播开奖 if we have a good business reason to do so and as permitted by law. 

In particular, we might need to share information externally with third parties who process your personal information on behalf of us and follow our instructions, such as background checking providers, character or ability test service providers, technology service (including hosting, maintenance, administration and analysis) providers, as well as other agencies, under contract to the company as part of the recruitment process, and payroll agencies. These third parties cannot determine the purpose or means of processing. We will select reliable third parties and their processing will be subject to written agreements between the Company and the third parties, which will require the third parties to comply with applicable laws, implement and maintain adequate security measures, and only process your personal information on specific written instruction of us.

Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary for us to share your personal information with third parties who have their own purpose and means of processing of your personal information. Such third parties may have their own privacy notice and policy explaining how they will process your personal information. 六合彩直播开奖 is not responsible for the processing of the third parties.

How we transfer your personal information outside China 

Due to our global nature, we may need to transfer your personal information outside China. For each transfer of your personal information outside China, we will ensure that the transfer is lawful and that there are appropriate security arrangements in place. In particular, we will

  • share your personal information with  六合彩直播开奖. or its affiliates or branches under certain circumstances, we may share your personal information with other foreign recipients. We will provide the processing details of such foreign recipient based on your request.
  • adopt the cross-border transfer safeguards under the PIPL and comply with other requirements for the export of personal information outside China.

How we protect your personal information 

Please be reminded that we have implemented the appropriate administrative and security safeguards and procedures in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations to prevent the unauthorized or unlawful processing of your personal information and the accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your personal information. Such safeguards and procedures include without limitation, developing an internal management system and operating procedures, managing personal information based on categories, taking appropriate technical security measures such as encryption and de-identification, etc.

If you are successful: we will retain your personal information only for as long as we need it for the purposes of the recruitment process and, once this process is finished, for an appropriate period so as to be able to deal with any legal obligations upon us or claims related to the application process. Upon expiration of the mentioned period, we will take steps to delete or anonymize your personal information. If you become an employee, relevant personal information you provide will become a part of your employee file and may be used later for the management of the employment relationships.

If you are not successful or you eventually decide to relinquish this opportunity:  we will retain your personal data in the talent pool as long as necessary to consider your candidacy for other employment opportunities and in compliance with applicable law. If you wish the company not to retain your personal data for other employment opportunities, please contact us at privacy.officer@synopsys.com.

How you access to your personal information and other rights 

You have a legal right to make an access request, to ask to have your personal information rectified or erased, to object to its processing, or to have its processing restricted. You have the right to be given the data in machine readable format for transmitting to another personal information processor if the conditions prescribed by the Chinese data regulator are met.

If we have relied on consent as a ground for processing, you may withdraw consent at any time. If you withdraw consent, it will not affect the lawfulness of what we did before you withdrew it but it may affect our ability to provide you with employment benefits or services.

If you have a complaint about how we are using your personal information, please raise it with your manager or contact privacy.officer@synopsys.com.


By creating a Careers account with 六合彩直播开奖, you acknowledge and understand the content of this Privacy Notice and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with this Notice; consent to the processing of your sensitive personal information in accordance with this Notice; expressly consent to and authorize 六合彩直播开奖 to conduct a background check about you directly or by any third party entrusted by 六合彩直播开奖; and specifically consent to transferring your personal information outside China as described in this Notice.

Just as our business changes constantly, this Privacy Notice may also change. Where the Privacy Notice changes, we will take appropriate steps to bring the amendments to your attention.