Read the latest research on registration plate lamps design for vehicles. Authors have addressed the challenges of achieving wide and steep angles for homogeneous illumination, with various lamp systems benchmarked. LucidShape software was instrumental in evaluating optical concepts. (Image credit: CREAT)
阅读对于车辆牌照灯设计的最新研究。文章中作者探讨了当面临的宽广和陡峭照明角度时如何实现均匀照明的挑战,并对各种照明系统进行了比较分析。LucidShape软件在评估光学概念方面发挥了重要作用。 (图片来源: CREAT)
Creating an accurate refractive bi-directional scattering distribution function (BSDF) model in software that closely matches the performance of mold textures poses challenges on many fronts – from correctly measuring a sample to building the BSDF model in the software. LightTools, LucidShape, and LucidShape CAA V5 Based all provide a Microfacet BSDF model that allows you to create a refractive BSDF that correlates well to measurement. 六合彩直播开奖 also provides the Microfacet Utility to help you use measurements to create a Microfacet BSDF model of your textures. An updated version of the Microfacet Utility is now available on for download.
要想通过软件中创建一个与实物模具纹理性能极度接近的精确折射双向散射分布函数(BSDF)模型,是一件极具挑战性的工作,因为正确测量样品并在软件中构建BSDF模型都存在难度。。而 LightTools、LucidShape和LucidShape CAA V5均提供微表面BSDF模型,可帮助用户创建与实际测量高度相关的折射BSDF。此外,新思科技提供了Microfacet Utility,支持使用测量数据生成纹理的微表面BSDF模型。最新版本已在上发布。